
Monthly Archives: October 2022

Clean Car Programme for Importing Vehicles into New Zealand

Опубликовано: October 31, 2022 в 5:56 am

Категории: Blog

Clean Car Programme for Importing Vehicles into New Zealand

5-minute read

The Clean Car Standard (CCS) and the Clean Car Discount (CCD) form the central pillars of a range of government initiatives to tackle transport sector CO2 emission levels and help address climate change.

The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 requires CO2 emissions to be reduced to net zero by 2050. As transport is responsible for 47 percent of the domestic CO2 in New Zealand, this target cannot be achieved without decarbonising transport.

Does New Zealand Have an Empty Depot Problem? 

Опубликовано: October 16, 2022 в 4:54 pm

Категории: Blog

The Bottom of the Supply Chain-1

7-minute read

The inability of the New Zealand ports sector to efficiently handle container throughput since the onset of the pandemic and carriers pressuring leanest rates from depots have contributed to serious congestion and capacity issues within the industry.

Do You Know GST and Duty Rules for Goods Purchased Online?

Опубликовано: October 10, 2022 в 5:04 am

Категории: Blog

Do You Know GST and Duty Rules for Goods Purchased Online?

5-minute read

Before shopping online, be sure you think it through carefully and that you know all the possible pitfalls.

If you buy items from overseas that cost NZ$1000 or less, you don’t have to pay anything to NZ Customs, as GST is collected when you purchase your items. 

‘Whole of NZ’ Approach Needed to Fix the Supply Chain in NZ

Опубликовано: October 1, 2022 в 4:58 pm

Категории: Blog

5-minute read

The two years of the COVID -19 pandemic have created a ‘pressure cooker’ of unpredicted issues for ports, and this year’s annual conference of the Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders organisation provided a sounding board.

Different in size and business profile, the country’s ports are all in the same frustrating pickle when it comes to the complexity of shifting cargo at the border.