5 Expensive Mistakes When You Import Used Household Effects to NZ 
7-minute read (19-minute watch)
Max: All these five mistakes apply whether you import a full container , air freight, or even 100 kilos by sea freight, and it’s very important to make sure that you prepare all these things before you arrive in New Zealand.
Make sure you do not arrive before your shipment arrives in New Zealand.
3 Reasons Why I Want to Ditch My Business Partner! (Number 2 is Vital) 
8-minute read (18-minute watch)
Max: We wanted to sit together and talk to you about a very sensitive subject for many. Alex and I are both co-founders and directors of the beautiful company called Easy Freight. And we’ve been in business for a long seven years!
Importing Goods to NZ? 4 Ways an Overseas Supplier Will Cost You 
11-minute read (28-minute watch)
Max: Were talking about importing goods to New Zealand, and four ways the supplier will cost you extra money that you didn’t budget for.
The first way that you can lose money is, surprisingly, some New Zealand importers can receive half-full containers.
How to Select an Auckland Customs Broker – Avoid THESE Costs 
11-minute read (23-minute watch)
Max: If you think about it, when you import two pallets or even a full container, you’re going to pay at least anywhere between NZD 1,000 to 5,000 of freight to ship the goods say from China to New Zealand .
Alex: So why we think that it’s so important not just to choose right freight forwarder but also to choose the right customs broker?
How to Save $3,105 on Importing Your Used Personal Effects to NZ 
12-minute read (26-minute watch)
Max: We’re going to talk about mainly importing containers with used household goods to New Zealand.
And it’s going to be a very topical question, how to save money when you migrate and bring your stuff to New Zealand . What’s the first step when you prepare to bring your goods to New Zealand?