NZ-bound Shipment Has been Intercepted (Could it Affect you?) 
1-minute read
New Zealand Customs Service has issued a reminder to NZ importers to ensure they correctly declare the origin of inbound goods on import entries — particularly from Western Sahara.
“In the case of imported goods originating from Western Sahara, the country code ‘EH’ should be input in the import entry’s origin field,” stated the agency.
NZ Freight Company Lost Insurance Claim Due to the Employee’s Fault 
6-minute read
You may have good insurance, pay the premiums on time but then have the insurance claim denied because your employees were not trained to meet the requirements.
Let’s discuss how your business needs to operate to ensure that you are covered when disaster strikes.
What Are the Funding Options to Grow Your Import or Export Business 
1-minute read (22-minute watch)
Access to a wide investor audience, so it’s a quick and efficient way for you to raise funds.
This week our guest speaker was Simeon Burnett is the CEO & Co-Founder – Snowball Effect. It is New Zealand’s leading online investment marketplace. They help NZ companies raise funds to increase the rate of your company’s growth.
3 Tips On Importing Goods Into New Zealand (Avoid These Hidden Costs) 
13-minute read (27-minute watch)
If I had this info before I imported for the first time I’d saved lots of time & money
- How NZ Customs or NZ MPI Biosecurity will charge you and some hidden costs that you may not be aware of
- What are the common mistakes in the transport documents
- How you can save money on freight
- Other Practical Advice that Will Help You Grow
NZ Importers Fed Up With Container Hire / Detention Fees (Go to Court?) 
5-minute read
Last week’s Commentary column explored the supply chain friction that is occurring with container detention charges one of the central issues.
In recent times, where container depots around Auckland have been full, and the truckers working for importers and forwarders have been unable to de-hire empties, arguments have erupted when detention notices have been issued.
5 Little-Known Mistakes with NZ Customs Clearance (Instant $800 Fines) 
11-minute read (22-minute watch)
Import rules change on a regular basis. Find out what can cause extra delays or fees.
- Ways that an overseas supplier can ruin your compliance with NZ authorities.
- Situations when you are paying too much or too soon.
- How NZ Customs or NZ MPI Biosecurity will charge you and some hidden costs that you may not be aware of.
Alibaba Auckland Expo: How NZ Businesses Should Trade with China 2-minute read
One of the biggest E-commerce firms Alibaba has announced plans to establish a local office.
Alibaba Group Australia and New Zealand regional general manager Maggie Zhou confirmed that the business expects to achieve a stronger local presence.
Why Auckland Has Container Shortage (What Is Done Overseas to Fix It) 
3-minute read
Around 90% of the dry goods 20-foot containers (TEU) imported into New Zealand come in full with imported product.
However, around 30% of 20-foot containers (TEU) leaving New Zealand do so empty.
The shipper or shipping line that works out to close the imbalance gap would not only be making a significant contribution toward the nation’s trade surplus but to the national supply chain. The 30% of empty boxes pose a growing issue.