Monthly Archives: November 2018
Reasons for the Import & Export Freight Hold Ups in Auckland 
6-minute read
The fragility of New Zealand’s supply chain has been exposed several times in recent years, for example through the Canterbury and Kaikoura earthquakes which hammered the ports of Lyttelton and CentrePort, and the 2012 Auckland industrial troubles which disrupted operations there and put huge pressure on the Port of Tauranga as a back up.
3 Recommendations Where to Move the Ports of Auckland 
5-minute read
There is one thing that the freight industry needs to see come from the Upper North Island Supply Chain Strategy review which the Government is finally getting underway – a result.
By that, I mean clear recommendations that oblige the Government to take action, in order to give us a way forward for the manner in which the ports, rail and roads in the upper North Island will develop over the next 30 years.
Cleaning Cert. & Other Things MPI Checks to Allow a Vehicle Import 
2-minute read
Importers will have to do more to ensure vehicles and machinery from overseas are free of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), according to the Ministry of Primary Industries.
The new Import Health Standard for Vehicles, Machinery and equipment that came into force on September 1 have a focus on Japan given the issues last season with contaminated car carriers.
What It’s Like to Air Transport a Live Rhino Across the World 
3-minute read
An eight-year-old black rhino is settling into a new home in the Serengeti thanks to a complex logistics project managed by Intradco Global and Qatar Airways Cargo.
After spending his entire life at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Eric was selected to move to Tanzania to play a starring role in a breeding programme designed to help save the critically endangered species from extinction.
Why a Lot of Auckland Companies Will Have to Work 24/7 
3-minute read
National Road Carriers Association and the Ports of Auckland are combining forces to promote change in the supply chain to improve delivery times and prevent delays.
This initiative has come about because of supply chain capacity issues which were highlighted following an accident at Ports of Auckland in August. Imported freight has taken longer to deliver, and exporters have encountered delays getting their goods away, leading to frustration all around.
E-scooter: NZ Import Safety Concerns and How it Affects You 2-minute read
Peter McRae is calling on authorities to promptly address “regulation, categorisation and commercial concerns” regarding the importation of E-scooters.
In a publicly-released commentary, Mr McRae identified issues in three specific areas:
- Appropriate design and resulting classification of E-scooters as vehicles for transportation, not toys.
- Risk management for the expected increase in future motorised scooter imports.
- Need for greater regulation and systemic collaboration to ensure rider safety (via helmets, speed, etc.) as well as ensure public safety.
Risks of Importing Vehicles or Machinery from China & Korea 
4-minute read
Advice to shippers, exporters and importers of new and used vehicles and machinery from China and Korea.
At this stage, New Zealand does not have specific Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) measures in place for vehicles and machinery from China and Korea. However, MPI is currently monitoring vessels reporting detections of BMSB and other regulated pests that are carrying vehicles and machinery from China and Korea.
Vehicle & Machinery Importers Are Warned of Extra Fees 
2-minute read
Importers of vehicles and machinery from Japan and “Schedule 3″ countries are being advised they will need to have acquired an approved Biosecurity Authority Clearance Certificate (BACC) at least 72 hours prior to vessel arrival in New Zealand.
Import Delays to NZ Are Getting Worse (Is There a Solution?) 
5-minute read
The Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation (‘CBAFF’) told Shipping Gazette™ it is actively working towards resolution of issues with MPI clearance delays.
Chris Edwards, vice president of CBAFF, said the Trade Single Window (TSW) issues are top of mind for the industry and no solution is yet in sight.
How to Import Hemp (Cannabis) Seed as Food into New Zealand 
9-minute read
From 12 November 2018 hemp (cannabis sativa) seed food products will be able to be imported into (and exported from) New Zealand. What are the rules?
Importers and exporters should note products must NOT contain whole hemp seeds. Whole hemp seeds remain Class C drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 and cannot be imported into New Zealand without a licence issued by the Ministry of Health.
New Import GST on Goods Valued Under $1000: the What & How 
25-minute read
The government is cutting import taxes on low-value goods to soften the impact for New Zealand consumers who start paying GST on all overseas purchases next year.
Following consultation earlier in 2018, details were released on 18 October 2018 on the proposed GST regime for non-residents supplying “low-value goods” to NZ buyers.
NZ Customs Departure Card Cancelled: What You Need to Know 
2-minute read
Departure cards have been discontinued this month, and the information used to account for all travellers departing New Zealand will now be collected electronically.
You still have to meet some requirements to avoid problems.
NZ Importer Jailed for Smuggling Goods (What Can You Learn?) 
4-minute read
Let’s discuss the volume of alcohol being illegally imported into the country and imported without compliant labelling. What are the telltale signs of illegitimate product?
Citing examples of imported shipping containers being declared as beer when they were predominantly filled with spirits. That kind of smuggling is denying the country of about $40 million in excise duty annually.
NZ Customs and Spirits NZ are working on ways to stop it. How will you be affected?