2 Reasons Why New Zealand Has Problems In The Supply Chain 
3-minute read
The frustration and unpredictability of getting goods too and from New Zealand, has been discussed a lot over the past year.
Most supply chains globally were unprepared for these surges in consumer demand, but this is especially true for our country at the very end of that chain.
When and Why Ocean Freight Rates Will Go Down 
6-minute read
Not good news for importers & exporters. The “profit bonanza” being enjoyed by container shipping lines at present, through skyhigh freight rates, are set to remain in place for a couple of years more.
6 KiwiRail Benefits to NZ Economy ($2 billion in value) 
2-minute read
Rail in New Zealand has been estimated to provide a total value of $1.7 billion to $2.14 billion to the country’s economy each year.
What Are the Chances of Your Shipment Being Rescheduled? 
2-minute read
Global container shipping pressures remain acute with shippers and carriers impacted by ongoing delays, congestion costs, and capacity shortages.
Food & Drink Importers: Beware of Delays and Extra Costs 
3-minute read
Importing food, drinks and/or ingredients? Check that you are properly registered to avoid delays
To avoid unnecessary delays to their next consignments, importers of food for sale need to have a valid Food Importer registration and complete their Intended Use declarations for all consignments of food, drinks, and ingredients.
Sea Freight Price Predictions for 2021 (What & Why!) 
3-minute read
There are some large question-marks forming over the momentum of shipping freight rates and whether these will taper back when normality returns to international supply chains. Or have higher rates become the newest ‘new normal’?