Why are Freight Fuel Prices (BAF) Going Up & are They Valid? 
5-minute read
Recent Shipping Gazette™ news articles and the Commentary column focusing on emergency bunker surcharges being applied to shippers (June 9) have prompted interest from readers who have asked the basic question – how are BAF (bunker adjustment factors) calculated?
How to Hire Top Talent & Tips to Improve Team Happiness 
4-minute read (7-minute watch)
You’ll learn:
- How to hire the best talents for your business
- Important steps and techniques of the hiring process
- Why you need to have team discussions
- Ways to improve the communication in your team
- How social networks can help your business
Costs to Import One Pallet (or More) from Australia to NZ 
5-minute read (9-minute watch)
You’ll learn:
- What are the costs to import 1 pallet of standard goods from Australia to NZ
- The main components of these costs
- In what way you can calculate the cost of importing more than 1 pallet
- How your customs broker can help you save money
- Why a local freight forwarding company is better