Prices to Import One Pallet (or More) from China to NZ 
5-minute read (9-minute watch)
You’ll learn:
- What are the costs of import from China to New Zealand
Which freight incoterms to choose and why
All fees included in the NZ port fees
Extra fees that you should account for
- How to calculate the cost of importing 1+ pallet from China to NZ
How to Decide if You Need Cargo Insurance & Who Pays for It? 
6-minute read
One of the examples of how “General Average” works was Maersk’s declaration of it following the fire on board the Honam. It caused some interesting feedback relating to the value of having marine cargo insurance.
In particular, the issue that was drawn into sharp focus was the risk borne by all New Zealand exporters and importers, who proceed to ship goods without marine insurance.
Amazon Tax: What You Need to Know & Beware of This Trap 
17-minute read (11-minute watch)
You’ll learn:
- Who benefits from this new tax
- Current GST rules, how and when they are going to change
- How much you have to spend on customs clearance, including customs broker fee
- What you should be aware of in regards to Amazon Tax