5-minute read
Before shopping online, be sure you think it through carefully and that you know all the possible pitfalls.
If you buy items from overseas that cost NZ$1000 or less, you don’t have to pay anything to NZ Customs, as GST is collected when you purchase your items.
5-minute read
The two years of the COVID -19 pandemic have created a ‘pressure cooker’ of unpredicted issues for ports, and this year’s annual conference of the Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders organisation provided a sounding board.
Different in size and business profile, the country’s ports are all in the same frustrating pickle when it comes to the complexity of shifting cargo at the border.
4-minute read
The Secure Exports Scheme (SES) is designed to make exporting easier by helping NZ exporters clear Customs here and overseas. Exporters will need to ensure their goods are packed, stored and transported in a way that meets global customs standards.
For NZ Customs, the Secure Exports Scheme means they have confidence in the exporter’s supply chain security. For exporters, this means less chance of border delays and greater certainty at international borders.
1-minute read
Scammers have twice duplicated the website content of the self-storage and container sales company Constore.
The Auckland-based company became aware of these scam sites when potential buyers questioned why their content and photos appeared on other websites.
4-minute read
New Zealand importers and shippers may face more carbon emissions costs than those arising from pending International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations.
New Zealand Council of Cargo Owners (NZCCO) fears that container lines may opt for slow steaming as a means of complying with the IMO’s Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and carbon intensity indicator (CII) requirements, which come into force from January 1 next year.
21-minute read
Learn how the soaring logistics and shipping costs feed global inflation. What do inflation, recession, and slowing global growth mean for the logistics industry?
In this extract from Lodestar’s podcast, Mike King and his guests from around the world explore the current state of play in global logistics, shipping and air cargo, covering the biggest news stories of the supply chain, including a briefing on air and ocean freight rates and the macroeconomic environment buffeting the freight industry.
3-minute read
Newly-appointed New Zealand Council of Cargo Owners (NZCCO) chair Ant Boyles has expressed concern that container lines may opt for slow steaming to comply with pending International Maritime Organization (IMO) emissions-reducing regulations.
Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and carbon intensity indicator (CII) requirements are to come into force from January 1 next year, following amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI.
4-minute read
The global shipping line Maersk reports that customers continue to face a raft of challenges as the Russia-Ukraine conflict weighs on the longer-term outlook for the global economy amid concern that inflation and higher energy prices will lead to lower consumer demand, damaging international trade.
According to Maersk, the short-term outlook, however, is more positive. Cargo volumes through Shanghai are returning to pre-lockdown levels, and demand from US consumers is pulling forward the peak shipping season on North American trades.
5-minute read
The latest loss of containers from the APL Vanda has once again thrown the spotlight on the problem of boxes being lost at sea and what can be done to prevent it.
The CMA CGM vessel suffered a stack collapse that saw 55 containers lost overboard from a single bay in heavy weather en route from Singapore to Suez, just before entry to the Gulf of Aden. No injury was reported.
4-minute read
Since the foot-and-mouth disease was found in Indonesia recently, Biosecurity New Zealand have stepped up their work at the border to prevent the virus from arriving in New Zealand.
New Zealand does not currently have any flights directly from Bali or elsewhere in Indonesia to New Zealand.
Nevertheless, every passenger arrival card is examined, and those from countries that have Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD), including Indonesia, are directed to a different process of questioning, baggage search and disinfection.