NZ Biosecurity Measures to Protect Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease 
4-minute read
Since the foot-and-mouth disease was found in Indonesia recently, Biosecurity New Zealand have stepped up their work at the border to prevent the virus from arriving in New Zealand.
New Zealand does not currently have any flights directly from Bali or elsewhere in Indonesia to New Zealand.
Nevertheless, every passenger arrival card is examined, and those from countries that have Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD), including Indonesia, are directed to a different process of questioning, baggage search and disinfection.
Is Lack of Competition in Container Shipping Driving Poor Service and High Rates? 
5-minute read
New Zealand importers and exporters will not be surprised that the Global Shippers’ Forum (GSF) has released its finding that there is a lack of competition in container shipping – that reality has hit this country hard over the last two decades.
The only new brushstroke to this picture is that the GSF believes the true situation is largely hidden because of cooperation between carriers which results in a more highly-concentrated industry than appears on the surface.
Official summations of competitiveness fail to take this into account.
What’s Next for Container Shipping and Ocean Supply Chains? 
15-minute read
For those of us who lack the crystal ball, this extract from Lodestar’s interview with the CEO of Vespucci Maritime, Lars Jensen, one of the world’s leading analysts and former shipping executive, will hopefully provide some intel on the future of the supply chain.
Qingdao is the World’s First Hydrogen-Powered and 5G Intelligent Port 
2-minute read (30-second watch)
Shandong Provincial People’s Government has shared insights into its automated container terminal at Qingdao Port as part of the 2022 Qingdao Multinationals Summit.
Shandong Port Group and Qingdao New Qianwan Container Terminal explained that Qingdao Port is now one of the world’s leading automated container terminals equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, a high degree of automation and high loading and offloading efficiency.
What Does a Freight Forwarder Do? 
3-minute read
Shipping companies are increasingly ”going up and down the supply chain” seeking to take on some of the work that freight forwarders have traditionally carried out.
So, it is important to clarify what freight forwarders do and emphasise the value they bring to New Zealand?