Why Shipping Lines Rack Up Losses & Need Urgent Recovery 
5-minute read
As hopes for world trade gather momentum in the wake of countries loosening lockdown restrictions, the reality of the impact of COVID-19 on shipowners and operators is becoming apparent.
All industry segments have suffered from the pandemic with the possible exception of tankers, where there has been demand for floating storage.
NZ Import & Export Stats (July 2020 Release) – Trade Surplus 
4-minute read
New Zealand has recorded its fifth consecutive monthly trade surplus with the annual deficit falling to its lowest level in nearly six years.
Official figures from Stats NZ show a trade surplus of $426 million for June, taking the annual deficit down to $1.2 billion, the lowest since late 2014.
Seafarers to Stay on Ships for 17 Months Due to COVID-19 
6-minute read
When is a law not a law? When you work as a seafarer on a Panamanian Flagged vessel, apparently.
That appears to be the consequence of the decision by the world’s largest flag state to authorise seafarers on ships flying its flag to serve for as long as 17 months onboard, due to the difficulties of achieving crew changes during the coronavirus pandemic.
NZ Freight Sector Reality & Cargo Transport Outlook 2020 
4-minute read
The ‘new normal’ is a phrase we are now hearing a lot throughout the freight sector and the economy in general — but when will it arrive and what will it mean for your business?
Dangerous Goods: Calculating the Cost of Your Errors 
5-minute read
You may not be aware of all the risks of dangerous goods (DG) transport domestically. By “dangers” I am referring to miss declarations, errors in manifests or outright failure to declare DO.
Shipping Laws Changed – How it Affects New Zealand 
5-minute read
COVID-19 is having far-reaching effects on the shipping industry, and on importers and exporters, in ways that could never have been foreseen before the pandemic struck.