Money Saving Tips When You Pick an NZ Customs Broker (5 Methods) 
Wednesday, 29 May 2019 at 1 pm (NZ Time)
This is a FREE educational business webinar to help NZ importers & exporters.
- Little-Known Ways to Reduce Your Costs
- What to Say to Get a $200 Instant Price Drop
- How to Avoid Hidden Fees and Nasty Surprises When Send Your Goods
- Q + A: Type Your Questions Now (or During the Live Talk) to Feel Confident With Importing/Exporting Your Cargo
Issues With Abandoned Shipping Containers – You May Be Liable! 
3-minute read
Freight importers & exporters should be worried about the cost of containers abandoned overseas for which they may be liable and how to implement safeguards to prevent this situation occurring.
How to Get The Best Cargo Insurance (4 Myths Busted) 
11-minute read (20-minute watch)
As an NZ importer or exporter, you’re no doubt always on the lookout for ways to save money. But there’s one place you shouldn’t be skimping on, and that’s cargo insurance.
This is an educational business webinar to help NZ entrepreneurs understand how to get the best out of the cargo insurance and what to avoid.
Why Sustainable Business is Better (3 Tips to Make a Difference) 
13-minute read (19-minute watch)
How do you deal with competitors that copy you? Ways to stay relevant to the market.
This week our guest speaker was Shay Lawrence is the founder of CaliWoods, loves surfing and the ocean.
Passion lies in using business as a force for good, developing her own business in the Social Enterprise space and inspiring people to live more sustainable lifestyles.
Business Planning & Top 3 Tips to Increase the Value of Your Company 
1-minute read (27-minute watch)
Growing your business alone is challenging. If you apply the right system life will be easier.
This week our guest speaker was Graeme Hogan is a CEO with 20+ years of experience in both small & large companies, covering most aspects of the business – from sales, marketing, as well as business planning.