4-minute read
What is this about?
To import food into New Zealand (NZ) you need to apply and get clearance from both NZ Customs and the MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries).
4-minute read
What is this about?
To import food into New Zealand (NZ) you need to apply and get clearance from both NZ Customs and the MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries).
5-minute read
What is this about?
To import food into New Zealand (NZ) for sale individuals need to understand and comply with requirements under the Food Act 2014. This guidance will help you with this.
5-minute read
The container shipping industry had one of its worst years in 2016. In his Editor’s Insight, Nevil Gibson says a recovery is underway and that’s good news for importers and exporters. Nevil Gibson joins me now. How bad was 2016 for container shippers?
2-minute read
A counterfeit containers warning issued to the Customs Brokers’ and Forwarders’ Council of Australia (CBFCA) by Australia’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) , could serve as a timely portent for New Zealand shippers.