On the carrier’s 175th anniversary, The Loadstar podcast editor and producer Mike King asks Hapag-Lloyd, the world’s fifth-largest container line, how the carrier is managing the chaos of the here and now?
What is being done to help shipper customers? Where will the windfalls of the last two years be spent? And what does the future hold for container shipping over the next 175 years?
5-minute read
Global cargo theft trends have shifted from the risk of in-transit, vehicle-based attacks to losses while cargo is at rest, with storage locations now critical at-risk areas.
Widespread congestion at ports and inland facilities led to increased opportunities for thieves during the period.
5-minute read
Did you know that if you are importing pets to New Zealand, they must be cleared through Customs when they arrive in the country? And you may have to pay GST and duties on some animals.
There are strict rules you must follow when bringing live animals into New Zealand. This page sets out the Customs requirements, please refer to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) website for the Biosecurity requirements.
If you’re bringing an animal into NZ for commercial reasons, you’ll need to contact a Customs broker to undertake the process for you. Commercial reasons include breeding, showing and racing.
3-minute read
Many super-sized cities in China have been in tight lockdown for weeks as the country sticks to its zero-COVID strategy in the face of the fast-spread Omicron variant of coronavirus.
It is thought that some 340 million people, 25% of the national population, live in the 46 cities under full or partial lockdowns.
3-minute read
No week goes by – nor has gone by for about two years – without New Zealand importers and exporters receiving advice of port calls omitted by shipping lines.
Usually, there are one of two reasons. Either the ship is way behind schedule, and the operator is trying to recover something of the lag time, or there is congestion at a port or p ...
6-minute read
As Shanghai enters the fourth week of its zero-tolerance Covid lockdown, forward export bookings are said to be down by 40% or more, prompting carriers to consolidate loads and blank more sailings.
According to one carrier contact, lines may be obliged to implement a “hardcore” blanking strategy to mitigate the impact of the cargo shortfall. The source said many of the numerous containerships currently at anchor off Shanghai port are “simply waiting for new orders”.
The concern is growing that the spread of COVID cases and city lockdowns in China will have massive downstream effects on global supply chains that could surpass previous disruptions since the pandemic.
13-minute read (45-minute listen)
Lockdowns, ports congestion, war, lack of slots and flights – you name it, the supply chain has seen it all.
In this podcast of the Loadstar, a news resource for the global logistics industry, Mike King looks at the implications of more Covid-19 lockdowns in China, the latest on air and shipping capacity and prices, port congestion challenges, and what war in Europe is doing to air cargo markets.
3-minute read
China Import and Export Fair, aka Canton Fair, is one of the biggest trade events on the international trading calendar.
It is a platform for people who want to source products from China or current importers who want to see the latest China has to offer, find out about new trends for specific types of products, look for ideas for their bus ...
4-minute read
Competition authorities around the world – including our own here in New Zealand – are investigating the current state of container shipping markets and the rates being charged to exporters and importers.
Shippers and freight forwarders are irate about freight rates, restricted access to slots, and the expansion of shipping lines into other parts of the market. It has led to several calls for action.
5-minute read
It takes something unusual for shipping to catch the attention of the mainstream public – such as the Ever Given blocking the Suez Canal – or the fire onboard the Felicity Ace and her subsequent sinking.
That interest wasn’t so much in the fact it was a ship fire – it was the fact that she was full of luxury cars. The thought of 4000 Volkswagen-Audi Group vehicles going to the bottom of the sea, with a value of something like NZ$550 million, became an international fascination.